Rest in Peace John Lewis
One of my all-time heroes has been laid to rest. I know this page is usually focused on Africa and African heroes. John Lewis transcends borders just like Mandela, Sankara, and many others. He is a hero to all! Like President Obama said, “John Lewis is one of our founding fathers”.
(Catherine A. Moore)
I first learned about John Lewis from my father. As some of you know, my father was a Diplomat and a historian. I got my love of history from my father. My father used to tell me to find guiding lights and learn from them. John Lewis was one of those guiding lights. I have read so much about John Lewis, I wrote book reports and essays on him and I got to see him in person while on a school trip to Washington D.C. I didn’t get to speak to him but I got to see him with my own eyes. This person that I have heard about was actually real. He was a real-life superhero.
One of the things that I love the most about John Lewis was his kindness. From all accounts, he was a gentle soul, kind, engaging, and knew how to motivate people. Jon Meacham whose book on John Lewis comes out in a month constantly referred to John Lewis as a saint. In an interview with the Today Show, Jon Meacham says “He led the country to a fuller recognition, if not a final reckoning, of our most serious national sins.” “He was a genuine saint.”
It is reassuring to know that John Lewis was able to see our country come together and protest the treatment of blacks by police. He was able to see all different types of people come together and make good trouble. We learned from the best and we will continue to march, vote, make our voices heard and make good trouble until our country lives to the ideals of our founding fathers. We will continue to carry the mantle. No one will ever be able to fill his big shoes but we will build on it.
Can Redeem the Soul
of Our Nation
Though I am gone, I urge you to
answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe.
Thank you John Lewis for your love, courage, and examples. May our ancestors welcome you and celebrate all the good work you’ve done. Although you have passed away, your spirit and examples live on in all of us.
The New York Times published an essay written by Mr. John Lewis's on the day of his funeral (July 30, 2020). I urge you all to read it. It’s loving, powerful and motivating. He left us instructions and I’m ready to do my part.
May you forever rest in peace John Lewis!!