Happy Independence Day Congo Brazzaville


Happy 60th Year of Independence to Congo-Brazzaville.

A quick refresher course, there are two Congos. Congo Kinshasa's independence day is June 30th and the Republic of Congo independence day is today.

I consider people from Congo Brazzaville my cousins. We have a shared history, love of culture, struggles, and victory. We are all part of the Kongolese community.

Below are some interesting things about Congo-Brazzaville:

  • The original inhabitants are the Pygmys who were there before the Bantu’s

  • Major languages spoken are French, Lingala, Kituba and other Bantu languages

  • Major tribes in Congo-Brazzaville are the Bakongo’s, Mbochi’s, Vili, Bateke, Loango, and Teke

  • Congo’s first president was a priest name Fulbert Youlou

  • Congo is surrounded by DRC, Central African Republic, Angola, Cameroon, Gabon et Gulf de Guinea

  • Congo Brazzaville is blessed with natural resources including oil and glass

  • Pointe Noire used to be the capital but it was changed to Brazzaville in November 1958.

  • Before the French arrival the Kongo’s, Takes and pygmies built strong communities

  • Pointe Noire is known for its beaches

  • Pointe Noire offers really fun surfing lessons for all levels

  • Dimonika village is famous for its gold mining history. It’s also near the UNESCO biosphere Reserve that was created to protect savannah’s and rainforest,

I want to wish my fellow Congolese a fantastic 60th year of independence. You’ve overcome so much and we have so much to look forward to in the future.

Joyeux Jour de L’ Indépendance Congo!
