How to Negotiate the Markets

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I miss going to the different markets. I’m not sure when we can go back but when the “doors” open up I will be ready. I love the markets in Mexico, Asia and Europe. I love the give and take and the psychological games that we play in order to get the best deals. The markets have an indescribable energy and buzz.

Being in the markets in different parts of the world I have learned how to hone in on my negotiations skills. I am one of those women when they started working didn’t know how to negotiate their salary. I took what was offered to me. Through life experience and more knowledge I have learned that it’s not the way to go and my lack of negotiating affected my earning potential. Now that I’m older and wiser, I have been using my new negotiating skills everywhere.

As you might have read previously, I had women in my family who had businesses in the markets of Kinshasa. They negotiated all day everyday. There isn’t a price on each object. Everyone gets a different price based on how well you debate and your persistence. This still holds true today.

It’s so hard to walk the market, canvas the scene see and then return to the stalls that you like. I can actually say with confidence that it is impossible. People will yell out “Madame, Mademoiselle, Mama.......”. While you are speaking to someone about an item a group of people will come over and start talking to you. This is actually one of my pet peeves. It drives me mad! I usually will yell at them and tell them that they are rude for interrupting someone while they are speaking. Another barrier is who I like to call the Commissioner. They will spot you when you arrive to the market and follow you around. Every time you speak to someone they will tell them that they brought you over so they can get you a share. So now something that should cost $10 now cost $15. You have to be really aggressive to get them to leave your side. I take care of the Commissioners the minute I spot them. They can really ruin your day at the markets.

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As frustrating as it may be there’s such a special energy at the markets. Some markets are so huge that its really impossible to canvas the entire thing and come back around. One of those large markets is the Makola market. You can find anything and everything you need under the sun. It is so busy and really hard to navigate at times. Our strategy for Makola was buy things that interested us and get the contact information so we can follow up later. I always find amazing treasures, learn new things and make great friends. Once we are allowed to travel again safely I will definitely visit a market and use my negotiation skills. I so look forward to it.

I hope you are all well, healthy and safe.

With Love,
