Meet Prodige Hands


Adolophine has partnered up with Prodige Hands, a community of co-creators and contributors devoted to re-building the systems of care and support in the heart of Africa – the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This abundant land in natural resources and human potential has been depleted by natural and man-made disasters, wars and resource grabbing. They are building up the people who are building the future of peace and prosperity in the Congo and Africa. 

Supporting and uplifting the Congo is vital to the future direction of the African continent, on whose development the future of the world pivots. Prodige Hands understands this causal link to global sustainability. The organization understands that the true wealth is in developing people and true well-being in the re-building of human relations. They believe in the African values of ubuntu – our inter-dependent being, belonging and becoming and the collective spirit of regeneration. In that spirit, they are activating the power of giving and holding hands in action. They connect people, resources and organizations into a greater circle of humanity.



“The future is ours to deliver – hand to hand, heart to heart. We invite you to land a hand in birthing of the new humanity – delivering the prodigy of us”.

Be the agent of change as a donor, volunteer, ambassador and partner and see your contributions in action delivering practical miracles.

Prodige Hands has a systemic approach to re-generation by:

  1. Bringing medical relief and preventive care (basic medical treatments along with hygiene education and preventive care are a pressing need);

  2. Securing safe housing (shelter for basic safety and stability);

  3. Delivering learner-centered education (development of the whole human with value-based education coupled with the teaching of the most advanced technologies for social change);

  4. PWe are a community of co-creators and contributors devoted to re-building the systems of care and support in the heart of Africa – the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This abundant land in natural resources and human potential has been depleted by natural and man-made disasters, wars and resource grabbing. We are building up the people who are building the future of peace and prosperity in the Congo and Africa.

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