Body Positivity


Sometimes my western ideal of beauty gets in the way of my confidence. I have been traveling and working a lot since April 2019. It feels like I have been away more than I have been home. My regular schedule was completely thrown off. When home my focus is to spend as much time as I can with my family and to make sure that I am an attentive mom.

The fitness routine that I had worked so hard to establish is gone. It is so hard to maintain a schedule while on the road. I bring a jump rope with me but it’s so hard to find the time when you are on a business trip and trying to cramp as much as possible so you can quickly return home.

Lately, when I have mentioned my lack of exercise to my western friends the response I usually get is “Are you kidding me, you still look skinny. Why are you complaining”. Well, we all have our own goals and realistic expectations. I’m not expecting to look like JLO unless I dedicate 3 hours a day every day to intense workouts and give up all the food and wine that I love. It’s just not going to happen! What I want to be is my best self and keep myself healthy. Let’s be real, I have a fashion company. There is a lot of pressure to look a certain way, be presentable and portray an image. Sometimes I personally feel that pressure.

I had all these goals for my trip recent trip to Africa. Most of the goals were philanthropic and business-related. I also knew that we would be shooting and I wanted to look like my best self in the photos. I don’t believe in photoshop or misrepresenting what I look like so people can give me compliments. I want you guys to see the true me in its many shapes and forms. I’m putting myself in a pretty vulnerable position but I’m ready for what is to me. In our social media world, people make comments without thinking about how it affects others. No one is strong enough to handle all the meanness that comes with putting yourself out there but I am ready to take it on.

Now for the positive aspect of all this. When I am in Africa no one cares if I have a six-pack or if my arms jingle when I wave or if I am hitting the right angle in photos. In fact, I was celebrated for being me. I had people compliment me on my extra weight. I was actually surprised and didn’t know how to react. I was reminded that nothing is for sure. We are in a place right now where people are really suffering and the last thing they care about is how they will look in photos. I was reminded that perspective is everything.

We all need a reality check sometimes and mine couldn’t come at a better time. I needed to be reminded that this isn’t real-life issues. Yes, we have a company and everyone wants to see beautiful images. We want it to go well because a lot of people are depending on this company to succeed. We will continue to strive towards that goal but in a very honest and frank manner. I just hope that you will be open, understanding and appreciate our candor.

Once I’m back in New York I will work on getting on some type of fitness schedule. This time it won’t be because I might be shooting a campaign soon. It will be because working out is a therapy for me and I want to stay healthy and strong for my family and team. Let's celebrate each other in our many shapes and forms. Life can be so hard sometimes so there’s no need to add unnecessary pressure.


I wrote this blog when I was in Kinshasa. Now I'm back in New York and we are under social distancing orders. My family and I are trying to stay positive during these times. We are so grateful for all of the healthcare workers, EMT, MTA Workers, Transportation professionals including truck drivers and delivery personnel, supermarket professionals and the countless others on the front line. Although all my upcoming trips have been canceled I still can't find time to workout. My days are filled with using whatever groceries we have at home to make a healthy meal, stimulate my child, be a present parent, catch up on the news, check-in on my team and Artisans and try to get some work done. I haven't been able to do it all but I am trying. We are all trying to find a new normal. I hope you are all staying safe.

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Support our #Body+Challenge where you post a video or picture that makes you feel the most confident or body positive. Tag a friend and keep the challenge going. Its important that we all feel our best selves during these times and sometimes reflecting on the moments that made use feel our best is a great way to tap back into that energy!

Please subscribe to our Youtube page (Adolophine Designs) and social media accounts (@Adolophine) for more contents.

With Love,
